Wednesday, March 21, 2007
3/21/2007 04:37:00 PM
Today my off day ahaha:) So I cn update my blog yea.. Hmmmm, my work is I incharged of baby department de lol.. It was quite good job la, cz I can see alot of kids & baby msh yea cz they r soooo cute yeah!! Actuli the job is u jus gt to serve the customer n must smile to them wahahaha:P Dn if gt the goods I gt to stack up, paste the price tag & place back the item, sme time the item wana finish le I gt to replace it lo haii, Bt smetime I reali dono where the item place lo cz when the incharged of the baby department the supervisor la tel mi alot of the thngs tat where they place hor dn I gt to rmb it lo bt I gt STM de hor very fast forget liao wahaha:D Bt hope I can do a better job lo.. Jus hope tat aft the 3 mth probation I stil can continue lo cz I nd $$ to buy mt thngs yea=)

Blog By: Jia Yan

Sunday, March 18, 2007
3/18/2007 07:09:00 PM
Tml is my 1st day go wk lo at Kiddy Palace which is at Choa Chu Kang Lot 1 Shoppers Mall.. Haii I'm quite nervous lo & scare I might nt doin well.. Smemre is a 3 Month Probations lo, if I don't do well I gt no $$ & no job dn I cnt buy many thngs liao such as: Song CyberShot Camera, Nokia 6288, Creative Neon MP 4, DVD Serial ( Means The Drama ) etc....

So when I nd to buy all tis thngs I nd to thnk of $$ so I gt to wk hard in order to buy the thngs tat I wishes to haf.. Hope the ppl dwn there will treat mi gud lo.. Cz I wil be scare de.. I hope aft 3 mths Probation I stil cn continue wk even if is nt so gud to wk I stil wana to continue till abt 6-8 mths lo cz gt mre $$ le cn buy my thngs liao yea:) K lo, I wil stop here liao when I off day le dn will post again lor..

Blog By: Jia Yan

Saturday, March 17, 2007
3/17/2007 11:59:00 PM

Rainie Yang Cheng Ling

Lee Dong Gun


Alan Luo Zhi Xiang

183 Club

Blog By: Jia Yan

3/17/2007 11:28:00 PM
It's them wit the new hairstyle & thier fav soft toys yea:P

During my cousin holiday I last thu on 15 March I went tu their hse tu look for them cz I long time nvr c them le mah yea:) Tu my surprise is My 2 Cute Little Cousin Cut Their Hair lo.. Haiyo jus becz of hot weather lo yea no choice.. I wana share their new hair cut tu u all..

Tis is them after the hair was been cut le:)

Blog By: Jia Yan

Sunday, March 11, 2007
3/11/2007 08:55:00 PM
Ytd went shopping wit zhi yun.. We go Marina Square lol, so we decides to take 960 bus to go there.. We board in to the bus dn I sit dwn wit other ppl oli zhi yun stand lol cz sat alot of ppl de yea so place for her to sit la yea:) Dn we chit chat lo aft tat dono reach which bus top dn behind gt ppl drop dwn dn zhi yun go there n sit & ask mi lo bt I dun wan dn aft tat gt mre ppl drop dwn liao dn I go there sit wit her lo.. She sae nth to do so we took pic by using her camrea.. Cz to reach Marina Square quite a long time lor.. When we took finish the pic liao bt hor we still haf nt reach lo waliao smemre traffic jam seh, waste our time lor haha:P Sit on the bus for quite long mi feel v slpying bt zhi yun tok to mi so at least nt so bored in the bus lo haii, we oso tok abt the cumin sat tat we r goin to Kbox de yea:D I'm reali excited & looking forward the cuming sat lo yeah!! Hee=) Here r sme pic tat we took in the bus yea(:

See we so dao wor.. Dun try to be funi to us wor..

Haha wad a funi face I had lol..

It looks lye been edit:)

We do had a smile=)

Blog By: Jia Yan

Thursday, March 8, 2007
3/08/2007 09:15:00 PM
Today go Bugis wit my fren.. We do sme shopping lo yea:) Cz I loved shopping lo hehe:) Bt hor I nvr spent $$ on buyin clothes hor yeah!! I reali do enjoy the shoppin lo haha cz we do haf fun lo yea=)

Aft tat we go to MOS BURGUR to buy drinks & we sit dwn there chit chat lo yea:P Aft tat my fren ping cum & fnd us lo yea:D She cum le dn offer her sits n we start to chat & chat n we even lye sit together hor jus lye gt 2 groups chat different thngs lo.. Wahaha(: I chat wif Eugene & Ping n we even tok very loud lye at market lye tat muahaha^_^ Dn my 3 fren Xiu Mei, Jia Li & Kristina they chat abt others thng lo haha:D And again we all haf lots of jokes lor laugh all the way long Wakakaka(=

Hmm, aft we chat almost finish my fren jia li sae she wana go hme le.. So we walk out, and we went to MindIndustries shop to fnd fren lol wad sia nvr saw him lo haiya y lye tat de he wana go NS soon lei y cnt c him sia.. bt nvm lo, cz is Ping sad ma nt mi haha is Ping lye him lo haha yea:P Opps.. Ping I'm so sorry I sae out the thng tat I bu ying gai shuo de wor hehe hope u cn understand yeah!!

Blog By: Jia Yan

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
3/07/2007 07:45:00 PM

Finally I have watch finish the show called Hana - Kimi.. This show is realiy getting more & more interesting ler yea:P Wahaha=D Especially Rui Xi & Xiu Yi.. The role story is Rui Xi who disguises as a boy, just to enroll into the same boy's school in order to see her Idol Zuo Yi Quan who is a High - Jump Athlete.. So Rui Xi, Quan & Xiu Yi become best of friends..

Rui Xi finds out that Quan gave up his favorite sport for some reason. All she could do is to encourange him and be by his side. Her personailty touched Quan. He gradually opens up to her and at the same time, he also discovered that Rui Xi is a girl and fell in love with her.

In order to keep Rui Xi by his side, he tried to help Rui Xi continue her disguise. Attracted by Rui Xi personality, Xiu Yi too fell in love with her. But not knowing that Rui Xi is a girl, Xiu Yi thought that he has become a homosexual..

Nw I have see the happy ending lo.. Yea:) Their story has begun le wow so Romantic yea haha:P Quan says: Rui Xi wo xiang, wo shi zhen de xi huan ni.. Finally Rui Xi has heard it le wor yeah!! So sweet of them:D Hope there wil be 花样少年少女 Part 2 haha=)

Blog By: Jia Yan

3/07/2007 07:19:00 PM

I wish my dream guy wil look lye him haha yea:)

Cz he was too handsome le yeah wahaha(: Hope he cn br mine lor.. Bt to be fair I cnt take him alone by mi yea cz he is every ger de yea whoever is Wu Zun Fan's

He belong to every one yea rite muahahaha=) Bt reali do hope cn fnd such a dream guy as him lor yea:D

Blog By : Jia Yan

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
3/06/2007 08:30:00 PM


Frens out there of mine tis is jia yan wor:) I've create a new account of the blogger le yea(: Must do gib mi some comments wor yea:D If I do nt so well pls do let mi noe n c where I nd to changed it de alrite:P My blogger is http://sweetchocolatee.blogspot/. Must support mi wor hahaha=) Take Care & Sayonara^_^

Blog By: Jia Yan

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Name: Mandy Sim Age: 18+ Likes: Cycling, Watch Movie, Shopping, Reading Dislikes: Smokers, BackStabber, Heart Breakers, Two - Timer

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